'Connect Dots' is collection of dot-connection puzzles.
You have to connect all dots with a given number of connected strokes.
(Such a drawing is also called a polyline).
Click a gridpoint to start the drawing.
Then either click the next point of the polyline or use the arrow buttons.
You have 16 directions (n,e,s,w,ne,nw,se,sw,nne,nnw,nee,nww,see,sww,sse,ssw).
Lines can cross at a gridpoint or (two 45 deg diagonals) at 90 degrees in an 'X' fashion.
Some other crossings have also been implemented (for you to find out).
Beginner level: try to connect all given dots with as few lines as possible.
Expert level: Use only as many strokes as indicated on the left border (this will create a win message).
All variants come with solutions.
Several arrow buttons are given at the left border:
you can use them to create polylines the easy way (first click board once to fix start-position of line).
Click the red dot or one of the two green buttons to finish the polyline and check for a win
(i.e. check whether all dots have been covered).
The Freeplay variants have a few more buttons for drawing options (see game text).
One of them uses a high-density grid, which make it a (very simple) line drawing tool.
Note that more line crossings are allowed than in the Zillions game 'Lattice'.
No colour fill is available here, however.
There are alternative piece sets available (thicker lines and black dots).
All variants apart from the default variant are new brain teasers and have never been published before.
Related games: Lattice, Isolattice.