Zillions of Games

Here are some great games you can play with
the Zillions of Games Interface!

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You'll need the full version of Zillions to run these games, which you can get at the Zillions Store.

Game: Rightrightleft
Created by Karl Scherer, 2005-02-12
version 1.2
34 variants
requires ZoG 2.0

Labyrinth / Maze

download 94 K
Updated 2006-06-10
solutions to variants 1 and 3 improved
Object: make as many right-right-left turns while moving as possible.

Click an empty position to place your man.
A move consists of orthogonally walking any length. You cannot walk through walls or cross your own path.
At any move, you have to turn 90 degrees from your previous direction. The first turn is to the right, the second again to the right and the third to the left. After that the pattern repeats.

Your goal is to walk as many steps (make as many moves) as possible.
The number of your moves as well as the length of the longest known walk (measured in number of moves) are shown at the top border.
You can edit the digits of this limit simply by clicking them (after you dropped your man). To get a win-message, however, the limit must be set to be greater than 9.
These maximum lengths have been found by hand, so you might be able to improve on them. If the task seems to be too difficult to achieve, find your own best result and then try to beat it.

When SmartMoves is activated, you simply click the target position to move your man. Activate it via View/Options/Board/SmartMoves.

You win when you played the maximum amount of moves.
Solutions are attached.

There are also ten randomized variants attached. In these variants, try to play as many moves as possible; the maximum path length is unknown in these cases.


Download Rightrightleft now!
(94 K)


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