Game: En Avant |
Created by Vincent Everaert, 2005-04-23
2 variants
requires ZoG 2.0
Checkmate combo 2-player
download 4 K
Object: Checkmate the opponent's King or lead your King to the last row.
Special rules :
- All pieces move 'En Avant'.
- No piece can go backward if it does not make a capture.
- A move towards left or right creates a Pillar.
- A Pillar cannot move.
- Captures can by done in any direction (even backward).
- A piece can capture a friendly piece, except a Pillar and its own King.
- Pawns can capture backward, if it does not reach the first row (in variant 2).
This chess variant makes the pawns more powerfull.
Pieces become weaker, beware of their point of no return. |
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