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This version of Blobs allows the player to select from seven color coordinated sets of playing pieces. Click on a piece to choose that color combination. The top row of pieces gives the first player the lighter pieces. The bottom row of pieces gives the first player the darker pieces. To return to the selection screen choose the variant Back to Selection Screen. The object of the game is to have the most pieces on the board when the board is full. There are three types of moves:
- A piece can grow a new piece in an adjacent empty square. All enemy pieces next to the new piece are converted to friendly pieces.
- A piece can jump move two squares jumping over the intervening space. All enemy pieces next to the square moved to are converted to friendly pieces.
- If move types 1 & 2 are unavailable a piece may be dropped onto any square on the board. No enemy pieces are converted. This is an additional move to classic Blobs that helps prevent stalemates.
There are other games published for Zillions in the Blobs family. Blobz uses a grid with seven directions. Hexxagon uses a hex field for six directions. More distantly related is QuadWrangle which uses a sliding move. |