The captain moves 1 position forward along the heavy line towards the red dot in the middle of the board. If the next position is occupied, the captain cannot move. The guards move 1 position in any direction along any line including heavy line. They can't enter the red dot. Guards capture by jumping like in checkers. Multiple jumps are allowed. Capturing is mandatory. Victory is achieved by moving the Captain to the red dot. You also can win by moving 3 spaces further along the track than your opponent. (The original rule was whichever player was furthest advanced wins, but I have been unable to implement in Zillions). The game is described in Sid Sackson's book, a Gamut of Games. It states that the game was designed by Henry Busch & Arthur Jaeger. No further details are given. I have also seen the same game under the name of Cats & Dogs and Wild West. |