Game: Samhain Chess |
Created by Mats Winther, 2006-05-13
version 1.1
requires ZoG 2.0
Checkmate 2-player
download 57 K
Updated 2006-06-17 Improved play. |
The objective in Samhain (Samain) Chess is checkmate. Pieces move as in orthodox chess. The Scorpions move as pawns, but have two extra moves: two forward knight jumps to empty squares only (east-north-east and west-north-west). The Scorpion's value is 1.5. It has no initial double move. As the Scorpions are all located on the third rank, they can reach the fourth rank immediately anyway. Castling is allowed. Promotion rules are the same as in orthodox chess. In the first phase the players take turns to drop pieces on the board, either behind the Scorpion chain, or on a friendly Scorpion. In the latter case the removed friendly Scorpion must immediately be relocated to another empty position, that is, somewhere on the second rank. The two bishops must be dropped on different colours. The King and Rooks are initially placed on their standard positions. They are immobile until all pieces have been dropped. After all the pieces have been dropped the play begins. You can let the computer place the pieces of both colours, so that the initial position is chosen at random. Samhain Chess is inspired by Burmese Chess. |
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