Object: Place all strips on the board.
First click on the board to start the randomized setup. A set of strips with numbers on them will appear. You have to place them on the board, half of them vertically and half of them horizontally. Use the handle with the little hand to move the strips to the board.
Where the strips cross each other, the numbers must match. Each presented starting position is solvable!
To remove a strip from the board after you have placed it, click the little hand.
Variants 1,...,8 : played with 2,3,4,...,9 numbers on the 4x4 board. Variants 9,...,48 : played on larger boards, up to 9x9
&mbsp; Despite its simple rules this game is surprisingly challenging, even with only 2 numbers on a small board.
Related Zillions game: Crisscross Number-Crisscross is a brain teaser which a lot of Sudoku fans might appreciate.
More freeware and real puzzles and games at my homepage: karl.kiwi.gen.nz. |