Zillions of Games

Here are some great games you can play with
the Zillions of Games Interface!

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You'll need the full version of Zillions to run these games, which you can get at the Zillions Store.

Game: Seedling
Created by Greg Schmidt, 2007-08-25
version 1.0
2 variants
requires ZoG 2.0

Stalemate / Block

download 730 K
Seedling is a territorial game of seeds and sprouts.

Each player can place up to four seeds of their color. Once a seed is placed, the owner of the seed can make it grow by placing a sprout at the top of the seed. Further growth occurs by placing new sprouts adjacent to the connection points of existing sprouts. There are four types of sprouts, each having three connection points facing different directions.

The goal is to confine or "strangle" your opponent. A player loses when it is their turn and they are unable to place a new seed or sprout.

Seedling uses the "Axiom" Meta-game engine.


Download Seedling now!
(730 K)


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