Object: Recreate the original setup of the 4x4x4 cube.
The setup shows the 4x4x4 cube from the front and from the back. Click anywhere on the board to allow Zillions to randomize the cube.
Then click any of the arrows to rotate a slice of the cube.
You win if you manage to recreate the original setup.
The cross-shaped diagram at the top left corner shows how close you are to the original setup. It is a flattened version of the cube which shows only those stickers which are already at the correct position.
Variant 2: random setup, with notation Variants 3 and 4: ('Freeplay') Here you start with the solved cube.
Variants 5, 6,... : Learn to solve the 4x4x4 cube! Please read the associated game texts of these tutorial variants carefully! The solution is done in 7 stages: - top corners - top centres - bottom corners - bottom centres - top and bottom edges - side edges - side centres
Related Zillions games: Rubik's Cube (now with tutorial!), Banded Cube, Pyramid.
Source of the move sequences: Denny's solution (http://www.alchemistmatt.com/cube/revenge/index.htm), mirrored by Matthew Monroe from the now missing pages at http://www.calormen.com/vpm/puzzlesolutions/revenge/.
More freeware as well as real puzzle and games see my homepage: http://karl.kiwi.gen.nz. |