Object: Connect cities with roads. Roadmaps is also a general graph drawing tool (see also game 'Graph-Puzzles'). 43 variants (1 random, 42 fixed)
The goal is to connect given vertices with given degrees
(i.e., to connect cities with roads, where the number of roads converging
at each city is specified at the outset). Try to use as few road intersections as possible (no intersection = 'planar graph').
Default variant: Use the RANDOM DROP option to randomly drop a few boxed numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
(vertices with degree given). Each token represents a city;
the numbers denote the number of roads converging on that city.
Your task is to build a graph (map of roads) such that the numbers
indeed show the correct degree of the vertices (roads converging). (Note: to allow a solution at all, the sum of all degrees must be even!)
Use the KEEP (= no overwrite) option which is already selected in this variant. Draw the roads using the POLYLINE option.
Click the CHECK WIN button to check whether you are on the right track. If not, take one or more steps back. You lose if there are unnumbered cities (red or green squares) on the board
(hit the DEGREES button to add the degrees to all cities before clicking CHECK WIN),
or if there are intersections (in variants where intersections are disallowed). It also checks (for the variants with fixed setups) whether the given cities
with their degrees still exist, and that the roads do not have gaps. Hence the win-check is more rigorous than the VERIFY VERTEX option (see strategy text for details). If CHECK WIN does not declare win or loss, you still have a surplus city (vertex) in your map.
Menu options: For a descriptions of the menu options see the strategy text (Help/GameStrategy).
Default variant : Freeplay - create your own randomized graphs Fixed variants: Several variants are attached which contain special graph puzzles you have to solve. Please read the associated game text for details. Most variants will ask you to create a planar map (planar graph), which means
that the roads are not allowed to intersect themselves or other roads. Only the last two variants allow road crossings. Please read the associated game texts of the variants.
Note: do not place two towns (vertices) next to each other, neither orthogonally nor diagonally.
Please note that there are several alternative piece sets available, including a black-and-white one.
Related Zillions games: Graph-Puzzles. |