SUCCHESS stands for Super Creative Chess.
Succhess introduces two new pieces and two group pieces. The first group piece is the horde : when
several knights are aligned horizontally, vertically or in diagonal, they can move simultaneously
making the same movement. This is a very powerfull group unit and allows extraordinary combinations. Second group unit is the Phalanx, which is the capability of several pawns to move simultaneously provided that they are aligned horizontally. The Phalanx compensates for the larger board.
The first new unit is the Hero, a sort of advanced pawn, that can move horizontally of one square and that can push ennemy or friendly pieces. This allows to change colors for bishops and spies, and it also allows to save valuable pieces. Because of his enhanced movement capabilities, the Hero cannot promote to a queen but only to lower pieces. Finally the Spy, is at first sight a very modest unit since it cannot attack any of the ennemi units. But since it can only be attacked by the king or queen, it can move freely in the ennemy camp and can defend the king very well against unqueened attacks. In addition, the Spy has the possibility to kill his own pieces. This opens new dimensions in chess strategy.
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The purpose in Succhess is the same as in chess, mate the opponent king. |