Zillions of Games

Here are some great games you can play with
the Zillions of Games Interface!

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You'll need the full version of Zillions to run these games, which you can get at the Zillions Store.

Game: 16Plus
Created by Karl Scherer, 2010-01-23
Graphics by Keith Carter
version 1.1
17 variants


download 117 K
Updated 2010-05-29

graphics improved


Objective: Recreate the given setup.

At the start you see 16 tokens carrying the numbers 1 through 16.
The board has 16 playing positions plus an additional one in the lower right corner.
Click the board anywhere to let the system randomize the setup.

The tokens move like knights in chess: two steps in an orthogonal direction, then one step at right angles.
The target position must be empty.

You win once you have recreated the original setup (ordered numbers 1 to 16).

Variants :
Variants 1 to 5 have different numbers of additional playing positions.
Variant 5 has nine additional playing positions and therefore is the easiest to solve.

Variants 6 to 17 have fixed setups which are slightly disordered.
These 12 variants are unsolved. If you solve one of these, please send me the zsg and I will use it in the next update.


Download 16Plus now!
(117 K)


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