AepasA Chess game is same as a Chess game, except that aPawns move as an ordinary Pawns and also horizontally!
The Object of the AepasA Chess game is 'well' to CheckMate the opponent's King!
AepasA Chess game is played 'til opponent's King is CheckMated or one of win/lose/draw conditions occurs.
Note: In AepasA Chess game aPawns move as an ordinary Pawns and also horizontally!
The King in AepasA Chess game is [or not] a Royal piece [depending on Variant]!
The Object of the AepasA Chess Solo game is 'well' to relocate White Pieces on Black Pieces positions!
This one is for those 'Chess' enthusiast who would like to try to beat a Zillions Engine when Piece [and/or Pawns] movements are not an ordinary ones!
Have fun & Enjoy! |