[10x10] Chess game is a Chess game on [10x10] Board instead of an ordinary Chess Board!
The Object of the [10x10] Chess game is 'well' to CheckMate the opponent's King!
[10x10] Chess game is played 'til opponent's King is CheckMated or one of win/lose/draw conditions occurs.
Note: In [10x10] Chess game in [8x8] and/or [9x9] Board variants Pieces can go outside [8x8] and/or [9x9] Board boundaries too!
Also, Castling is a Magnet [eXtended] Castling instead of an ordinary Castling, that's King castles a Rook by moving any number of squares on Rooks directions, no need to adjunct to iT!
This one is for Chess Variants 'Enthusiasts' who would like to try to beat a Zillions Engine when a game Board is not an ordinary one!