Object: Form a word on the board and collect as many points as possible.
To start, click the START button or the board. Thirty random letter will be dropped on the main board. Also, seven random letters will be dropped on the 'rack' at the left border.
Shuffling: You can shuffle your letters at any time and as often as you wish,
but only the last shuffled letter can then be placed onto the main board.
Placing of your word: The first letter must be placed at the centre square. Each letter must be placed next to an existing letter already on the board. If you put down less than seven letters and you feel you are finished, click the DONE button. If you use all your letters, the system clicks the DONE button for you and you get 50 points bonus.
The system counts your points automatically. If you use all seven letters you get a 50 points bonus. In the variants with fixed setup the best score known is displayed at the bottom right and you
win if you reach or surpass it. The variant with its randmozed setup has no win message.
Letter values and distribution: A-1-9 B-3-2 C-3-2 D-2-4 E-1-12 F-4-2 G-2-3 H-4-2 I-1-9 J-8-1 K-5-1 L-1-4 M-3-2 N-1-6 O-1-8 P-3-2 Q-10-1 R-1-6 S-1-4 T-1-6 U-1-4 V-4-2 W-4-2 X-8-1 Y-4-2 Z-10-1 Joker-0-2
Reset button: If you want to try to place a better word, click the RESET button. This restores your rack and the board setup.
Note that the correctness of your solution is not checked by the system. You are the judge. You can also play the game with a friend as a 2-player game
and see who gets the most points for a given setup.
Variants: There are several variants with fixed setups attached. They are stored as game files (.zsg). To load a fixed setup, select the variant, then click HELP/SHOWSOLUTION,
or use the 'open file' option.
The solutions are taken from the official 'Collins Scrabble Tournament & Club Word List'