OBJECT: Surround and capture 10 of the opponent's stones.
PLAY: Blue starts the game. Players alternate taking turns and move any of their stones
one triangle at a time. Stones move forward toward the opponent's side of the board,
or sideways to an adjoining same-color triangle and may not jump over other stones.
CAPTURE: An opponent's stone is captured and removed from the board when a formation
surrounding that stone is completed on 3 sides in the center or 2 sides on the edge
of the board.
A stone may be moved to a triangle surrounded by opponent's stones, without threat of
capture, when capturing formation(s) are completed and one or more of those opponent's
stones are removed thereby eliminating the threat.
On a turn, if capture of an opponent's stone is possible, it must be made. The last
piece moved may not be returned immediately to its previous position.
A stone may be moved to a triangle on the back row of the opponent's side of the board
surrounded by opponent's stones, without threat of capture, as it is immediately returned
to an empty triangle on the player's original back row and may start again on another turn,
or held in reserve until a triangle on the player's back row is empty - and then immediately
placed on the board.
WINNING: A player concedes defeat when 10 stones have been captured by the
opponent - who is then declared the winner.
There is a limit of 300 moves and the player who is then ahead is declared the winner,
although a draw is possible.
Also see "Malaika Axiom Instructions.png" (included in zip)
Note: A free stand-alone version of Malaika with improved animation can be
downloaded from: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/81959/malaika-axiom-pc-game. |