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Game: Cram Checkers
Created by K. Franklin, 2015-07-25
version 1.0
8 variants
requires ZoG 1.3


download 16 K

Standard Checkers, except that each cram square (i.e; a1/A1 to h8/H8) accepts two playing pieces.
Checkers may move or jump, to or from, either side of their adjoining half-squares; capturing jumps are mandatory AND must [can only] be completed through each captured piece's vacant aligned side. Checkers may not be moved only within a single cram square.

Object: Capture all your opponent's men (`Checkers`) by jumping over them, or stalemate the opponent so he has no moves. Checkers can only move diagonally forward, either by sliding to an adjacent empty half-square or by jumping over an enemy piece to a vacant (aligned) landing square on the other side. Pieces from both players may co-occupy any playable cram square location.
Jumping over an enemy piece captures it.
Capturing is mandatory, and you must keep jumping and capturing as long as it is possible.
Maximal-captures (forcing the path with the most captures) is not applied here.
When your Checker reaches the other end of the board, it becomes a King and can then also move diagonally backwards.

'Doubling back' is also allowed - where a King might jump one enemy piece then make a return capturing jump to the starting position's OTHER 'half-square' - but not to its own starting half-square. With the Chinese CramCheckers variants, a similar double-back duality can exist with non-captured friendly-side piece jumps.

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Chinese* CramCheckers allows for the non-capture jumps of friendly-side pieces. Initial 'enemy piece' jumps continue as mandatory. Follow-up jumps during combined turn sequences may be taken over EITHER and/or both sides' pieces. Friendly-side jumps may also begin a turn sequence, when mandatory enemy-side jumps are non-existent. Unlike Chinese Checkers, follow-up jumps cannot be declined.

A 6x8 board layout is provided as CramCheckers' default variant.


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(16 K)

Cram Checkers

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