The idea of the game is the same as in chess of shogi: to capture opponent's King.
Four modes to do the move:
- Dropping: A piece in hand can be dropped to the board to any free square.
When drop the piece there is four directions choose to set the piece on
the square, North(N), East(E), South(S) and West(W).
- Ordinary move: After the move to empty square, the face of piece has to
rotate 90 degrees to clockwise.
- Capture move: After the capture, the face of piece has to rotate 90 degrees
to clockwise.
- Rotation only: The piece can be rotated in current without moving other square.
The face of piece has to rotate 90 degrees to clockwise.
Coming from the small board Kings are allowed to stay side by side. The only limitation
is that Kings can't be next to each other face-to-face position.
As in original shogi, the captured piece transfers to the Hand and it can be returned
later back to the board. Player can select to do his move on the board or to return
piece from hand to any empty square on the board.
Note: It's illegal to check by dropping a piece.
When it's Black's turn the Kaze and Arashi are Black's pieces, and when move will
change to White, the same pieces are White's pieces. Same rule relates also to pieces
in hand. Because Arashi and Kaze are shared pieces, they can also captured each others
regardless of own or opponents pieces. Also King is allowred to capture "own" Arashi
or Kaze if they don't check. Only when Kaze or Arashi are checking, they get fixed owner
and then the King is not allowed to capture the checking piece. Still the other
shared piece can capture the checking piece.
Necessity for check is a little bit different compared original shogi or chess:
It's not enough if piece reach to threaten opponent's King, besides that the checking piece
has to have contact to own King.
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