Luzhanqi is a two-player Chinese board game. It is a non-perfect abstract
strategy game of partial information, since each player has only limited
knowledge concerning the disposition of the opposing pieces.
The aim of the game is to capture the opponent's flag through penetrating his
defenses, while trying to prevent him from capturing the player's own flag.
The Luzhanqi board has a number of features which affect how pieces move.
- Post - also Soldier Station: a normal space, marked as a rectangle on the
board. Pieces can move on or off these spaces at will, and can be attacked
and captured on them.
- Roads - usually marked as thin lines on the board. A piece can only travel
one space across a road at any time.
- Railroads - usually marked as thick lines on the board, a piece can travel
any number of spaces along a railroad in a straight line, as long as its
path is not obstructed by another piece.
- Campsite - marked as a circle on the board, with 5 in each player's territory.
A piece on a campsite cannot be attacked.
- Mountains - pieces cannot move over these two spaces.
- Frontlines - these three spaces are the only points at which a piece can
enter the opponent's territory. Pieces do not land on these spaces, they pass
over them.
- Headquarters - positioned at two sides of the central axis at the sixth rank
of the player's territory, the Flag must be placed on one of these two spaces.
It, together with the other piece placed on the other headquarters, must not
move after the game starts.
Each player has 25 pieces, which are identical except for markings on one side.
They are listed here in order of order, where any piece of a higher order may
capture one of lower order (if the enemy is of the same order, both pieces will
be removed from the board).
Each player has:
- one Field Marshal, order 9
- one General or Army Commander, order 8
- two Major Generals or Division Commanders, order 7
- two Brigadier Generals or Brigade Commanders, order 6
- two Colonels or Regiment Commanders, order 5
- two Majors or Battalion Commanders, order 4
- three Captains or Company Commanders, order 3
- three Lieutenants or Platoon Commanders, order 2
- three Engineers or Sappers, order 1
- two Bombs
- three Landmines
- one Flag
Some of these pieces have special features and abilities:
- The Engineers are the only pieces which can turn corners when travelling
along the Railroad. Engineers can also capture Landmines without being
removed from the board.
- Bombs, when in contact with any opponent piece, destroy both itself and
the piece. They may capture the opponent's flag. Bombs cannot be placed
on the front line (the first rank) during the initial set-up.
- Landmines are immune to any attack, and cause the destruction of attacking
pieces (except when attacked by an Engineer or destroyed by a bomb).
Depending on the ruleset used, Landmines may or may not be removed from play
following a capture. Landmines may only be placed on the fifth and sixth
ranks during set-up. The Landmine cannot move from its original position.
- The Flag must be placed on one of the two Headquarters spaces on the sixth
rank. It cannot move. Its capture brings the victory of the attacker and
ends the game. Also, when Field Marshal is destroyed, the Flag must be
revealed to the opposing player.
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