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You'll need the full version of Zillions to run these games, which you can get at the Zillions Store.

Game: ImmovableKing Shogi
Created by Shigeki Watanabe, 2018-03-24
2 variants
requires ZoG 2.0


download 7 K
Updated 2018-05-05

Corrected a mistake in the description of piece help.


- About 'Fudo-Oh' Shogi:
Shogi is a traditional board game of Japan.
This is Shogi variant called 'Fudo-Oh' Shogi, 'KanaShibari-Oh' Shogi.
In this game, a player can not move own King from the starting position.
Because a King can not escape from the attack, a friend need to make on the wall.
A King will be captured unless a friend capture the enemy direct attacking the King.

- Object: To checkmate the enemy King.

- Game and Variants:
This zrf file includes one game(#1) and one variant(#2).

#1: ImmovableKing(1P:Black)
In this game, Black is the first player.

#2: ImmovableKing(1P:White)
In this game, White is the first player.


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(7 K)

ImmovableKing Shogi

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