- About 'First Time Shogi 3x5': This game is commercialized under the name 'Anpanman Hajimete Shogi' in Japan. In this game, 3x5 board is used. Each player fights with using three pieces with different performances. Any piece can not move to the position backward. The captured piece can not be reused. As its name suggests, it is a shogi developed for beginners.
- Pieces: 'General' is the king-piece and it can only move to the safe position. 'General' moves a single step in the 5 directions: forward, both sideways or forward diagonals. 'Guard' moves a single step in the 3 directions: forward or both forward diagonals. 'Soldier' moves a single step in the 3 directions: forward or both sideways.
- Object: To checkmate the enemy King or to reach the enemy's 1st rank.
- Game and Variants: This zrf file includes one game(#1) and one variant(#2).
#1: Shogi-FirstTime-3x5(1P:Black) In this variant, Black is the first player.
#2: Shogi-FirstTime-3x5(1P:White) In this variant, White is the first player. |