- About 'Princess and Empress Shogi': Shogi is a traditional board game of Japan. 'Princess and Empress Shogi' was devised by Shigeki Watanabe.
In this game, a shogi Bishop ('Kakugyo') is replaced by a chess Bisop ('Royal Bishop') and a shogi Rook ('Hisha') is replaced by a chess Rook ('Royal Rook'). A 'Royal Bishop' can promote to a 'Princess' which moves as a Bishop or Knight. A 'Royal Rook' can promote to a 'Empress' which moves as a Rook or Knight. They can be promoted when reaching to the enemy area (enemy's 1st, 2nd or 3rd).
The captured 'Royal Bishop' or 'Princess' can be dropped to the board as a 'Royal Bishop'. The captured 'Royal Rook' or 'Empress' can be dropped to the board as a 'Royal Rook'.
- Object: To checkmate the enemy King.
- Game and Variants: This zrf file includes one game(#1) and five variant(#2-6).
#1: Princess-Empress Shogi(1P:Black) In this variant, Black is the first player. Black and White have a chess Bishop ('Royal Bishop') and chess Rook ('Royal Rook').
#2: Princess-Empress Shogi(1P:White) In this variant, White is the first player. Black and White have a chess Bishop ('Royal Bishop') and chess Rook ('Royal Rook').
#3: Princess-Empress Shogi(1P:Black Royal) In this variant, Black is the first player. Black has a chess Bishop ('Royal Bishop') and chess Rook ('Royal Rook') and does not have both Knights.
#4: Princess-Empress Shogi(2P:Black Royal) In this variant, White is the first player. Black has a chess Bishop ('Royal Bishop') and chess Rook ('Royal Rook') and does not have both Knights.
#5: Princess-Empress Shogi(2P:White Royal) In this variant, Black is the first player. White has a chess Bishop ('Royal Bishop') and chess Rook ('Royal Rook') and does not have both Knights.
#6: Princess-Empress Shogi(1P:White Royal) In this variant, White is the first player. White has a chess Bishop ('Royal Bishop') and chess Rook ('Royal Rook') and does not have both Knights. |