- About 'Reusable Chu Shogi Variant': 'Chu Shogi' is an ancient Shogi which was already popular in the Kamakura period. This game is a variant of 'Reusable Chu Shogi'.
A NeighborKing or LionDog is used instead of an Elephant. A NeighborKing can be promoted to a StandardBearer and a LionDog can not be promote.
In this game, the 12x12 shogi board is used. And the captured pieces (except a King) are allowed to reuse like a standard Shogi.
This 'Chu Shogi' is a simplified version. Because the special rules about 'Lion' and ancient promotion rules are not adopted.
- Object: To checkmate the enemy King.
- Game and Variants: This zrf file includes one game(#1) and five variants(#2-6).
#1: Reusable Chu Shogi NeighborKing Variant(1P:Black) In this variant, Black is the first player. A NeighborKing which moves like a King and promotes to a StandardBearer is added, instead of an Elephant. A StandardBearer moves any number of squares straight or diagonally forward, or up to two steps in the other five directions.
#2: Reusable Chu Shogi NeighborKing Variant(1P:White) In this variant, White is the first player. A NeighborKing which moves like a King and promotes to a StandardBearer is added, instead of an Elephant. A StandardBearer moves any number of squares straight or diagonally forward, or up to two steps in the other five directions.
#3: Reusable Chu Shogi NeighborKing Variant2(1P:Black) In this variant, Black is the first player. A NeighborKing which moves like a Elephant and promotes to a StandardBearer is added, instead of an Elephant. A StandardBearer moves any number of squares diagonally forward, or up to two steps in the other six directions.
#4: Reusable Chu Shogi NeighborKing Variant2(1P:White) In this variant, White is the first player. A NeighborKing which moves like a Elephant and promotes to a StandardBearer is added, instead of an Elephant. A StandardBearer moves any number of squares diagonally forward, or up to two steps in the other six directions.
#5: Reusable Chu Shogi LionDog Variant(1P:Black) In this variant, Black is the first player. A LionDog which moves three times to the fixed direction is added, instead of an Elephant.
#6: Reusable Chu Shogi LionDog Variant(1P:White) In this variant, White is the first player. A LionDog which moves three times to the fixed direction is added, instead of an Elephant. |