- About 'Racing Chess': 'Racing Chess' includes two games, 'Back Rank Chess' and 'King of the Hill'. In 'BackRank Chess', a player whose King arrived at the opponent's backrank (8th rank) first will win. In 'King of the Hill', a player whose King arrived at the one of the central four squares first will win. Of course, each player needs to be careful that the own King is not checkmated.
- Objective of 'Back Rank Chess': To checkmate the enemy King, or to make own King reach to the far rank (8th rank) faster than the opponent player.
- Objective of 'King of the Hill': To checkmate the enemy King, or to make own King reach to the center area (d4, d5, e4 or e5) faster than the opponent player.
- Game and Variants: This zrf file includes one game(#1) and one variant(#2). In all the variant, White is the first player. In order to play with Black which is the second player, it is need to press both the 'Switch Sides' button.
#1: BackRank Chess Please select the image of 'Chess8x8-1.bmp' with 'Switch Piece Set' button.
#2: King of the Hill Please select the image of 'Chess8x8-2.bmp' with 'Switch Piece Set' button. |