Zillions of Games

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the Zillions of Games Interface!

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You'll need the full version of Zillions to run these games, which you can get at the Zillions Store.

Game: Evasion II
Created by Karl Scherer, 2001-08-11
2 variants

Breakthrough / Race

download 4 K

Object: Move all your pieces to the last two ranks of the board. 
All pieces move the same way. Various Chess pieces are used for the sole purpose to indicate where the pieces have to end up. E.g. the white King on e1 has to end up on e8.
Sliding Moves:
(Note that these are different from the original Evasion game.)
A Token slides one or two empty squares into any direction. Sideways or backward slides are only allowed when there are no forward moves.
There is one exception: Once you have cleared the first two ranks, you can slide sideways and backwards if your move starts on rank 7 or 8. (for Black on rank 1 or 2).
Evasive Moves:
If the piece faces a piece directly ahead (to the North), then it may also move diagonally forward any number of empty squares.
You may execute several such 'evasive moves' in a row, using the same piece. At the end of such a series of evasive moves you have an additional sliding move available.
You may pass a partial move.
There are no captures in this game.
Variant 2: Forward, diagonally forward and sideways jumps are allowed over enemy pieces, but only if the move starts on one of the first two ranks.
More freeware as well as real puzzles and games at my homepage http://karl.kiwi.gen.nz.


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(4 K)

Evasion II

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