Prison Break:
Starring the sliding pawns, the Ninja Guards, the Knight, the Bird, the King and introducing the captivating Ice Queen! The game board is cut down to a fraction of its original dimensions: a mere 6x8 board with 2 escape squares only available for the king - a total of 46 squares. There exists an underlying logic in this seemingly bizarre start position. There is no castling for the king is already at a wing (in the palace), and the objective of the game is not just checkmate (which wins as usual), but to escape the prison with your king by fleeing to the escape zone! The escape squares do not hinder the movement of any pieces.
For full details of the moves please see:
or search for game at
The rules are as in orthodox chess except as noted below:
Pawns promote on the last rank to Ice-Queen Ninja-Guard,Flying Bomber or knight. Ice Queen will freeze opposing king rendering it unable to move thus it is checkmate!! - Unless there is an adjacent ice queen that makes it an icicle! In this case the king will be frozen but not checkmated! Try it out by playing both sides and moving the 2 enemy queens next to each other with the king in the vicinity.
The Ninja Guard's Moves ------------------------ The Ninja Guard is a color bound piece that can move one or two steps diagonally. It can leap over a diagonally adjacent friendly piece to land exactly 2 squares away (a two-space diagonal leap). It can capture on any square it lands, and additionally it can can capture an enemy piece that is diagonally adjacent by jumping over it. It can capture two pieces (the first immediately adjacent to it, and the next right after) in its path on a diagonal by jumping over the first one and capturing the second piece on the square it lands.
The Extra-mobile sliding pawn ------------------------------ The pawn moves and captures exactly as in orthodox chess except for the following. Normally, when a pawn faces an opposing pawn or an enemy piece, the pawn is blocked. However, the sliding pawn can, under these circumstances only if it is blocked, slide pass the enemy piece or pawn with the same 1-step diagonal movement that it would make when capturing.
The Ice Queen ---------------- Ice Queen can move to any adjacent square, capturing if possible and freezing all pieces around it! It steps/captures 1 square in any direction and Freezes all pieces it comes into contact with. Note that if ice queen steps next to an enemy ice queen, it loses all freeze power, and becomes an icicle! Do not step in front of enemy queen! Note that the enemy ice queen should not try to move around or else they will both simultaneously freeze. Best to capture the icicle - be careful and never let an enemy ice q that stepped in front of yours reactivate.
The Flying Bomber's Moves ----------------------------------- The flying bomber's odd combination of long-range and short-range moves makes it a deadly weapon against an unsuspecting opponent.
Standard Move:
The flying bomber eliminates an enemy piece by flying over it, and landing on THE empty square immediately after it on the same orthogonal line. It cannot fly over or capture a second piece or land on any square beyond the first empty square.
The flying bomber can fly along any amount of empty squares (1-9) orthogonally, but not over any friendly pieces. This is identical to the movement of a rook.
For a successful bombing, there must be an empty square immediately after the first enemy piece on the same line.
Special Move: the Helicopter Landing
This is a special maneuver that enables the flying bomber to fly over the adjacent square, (jumping over, if occupied by friendly piece or eliminating if occupied by enemy piece) and land like a helicopter on a square exactly 2 squares away, capturing if possible on this square. It can capture two pieces in this manner.
Essentially, it combines its standard move with that of a two space orthogonal jumper. |