Gauntlet is a fast and furious game of unequal forces that challenges players to take on the role of underdog. Can you win against overwhelming odds? Players have mutually exclusive goals. The object of the game for the runner player is to survive a gauntlet of blockers and reach the last rank with just one piece. For the blocking player, the object is to capture or block the other player's runners. Pieces move in one direction only. Runners move up either shifting into an empty space or by jumping and capturing. Blockers move in a similar manner except that they move either left or right. In standard Gauntlet, captures are mandetory, with the moving player choosing between multiple opportunities. In additiion to the standard version of Gauntlet, there are five variants. Three with smaller, tighter set-ups, one with a shorter gauntlet for the runner player and the Artful Dodger variant which gives the runner player optional captures. A Gauntlet match consists of an even number of games with players alternating as the runner player. Points are awarded to the runner player, two points for reaching the last rank or one point if stalemated. Otherwise, no points are scored. The winner of the match is the player with the highest point total after an even number of games are played. |