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Game: Jumping Chess
Created by Peter Aronson, 2003-02-08


download 28 K

Jumping Chess is a Chess Variant where captures, instead of being by replacement, are made by jumping over a piece, as in Checkers/Draughts. The standard International Chess array is used, but in order to avoid uncapturable pieces at the edge of the board, two extra ranks and two extra files of edge squares are added. These edge squares can only be entered as the result of a capturing jump, and pieces sitting on them are obliged to capture if possible. The object of the game is to capture your opponent's King -- there is no checkmate, and you are allowed to move your King into a position where it can be captured.
This rules file uses additional piece sets by Fergus Duniho and David Howe. More information on the extra piece sets used can be found at http://www.chessvariants.com/graphics.dir/index.html.
A longer, more detailed description of Jumping Chess can be found at http://www.chessvariants.com/crossover.dir/jumpingchess.html.


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(28 K)

Jumping Chess

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