Object: Stalemate your opponent. You move your L and then (optionally) one of the two neutral squares. To make your move in this Zillions implementation: First you select one of the 8 L-icons from the border, then click a place where to put it. The hand icon will show where the corner of the L will be situated. The L has to be placed on four empty squares. Next, you move the neutral squares in the usual way: just drag it to the target place. If you do not want to move a neutral square, just click it. The L-Game was invented by Edward de Bono and published in one of his books on lateral thinking (at around 1977). For two years several people had tried in vain to figure out a winning strategy, using computers. Then in 1979 Karl Scherer proved by hand that this game is a draw. (The proof was published in the Journal of Recreational Mathematics.) For more free software and (real) puzzles and games see Karl Schrerer's web pages at karl.kiwi.gen.nz . You can also find there how to create these beautiful fractal designs which are used for this game. |