Zillions of Games

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You'll need the full version of Zillions to run these games, which you can get at the Zillions Store.

Game: N-Relay Chess
Invented by Mannis Charosh, 1972
Implemented by Pierre Tourigny, 1999-10-01
5 variants


download 6 K

In N-Relay Chess, pieces gain the power to move as a Knight when they are defended by a friendly Knight.
Knights cannot capture nor be captured themselves.

The file contains five variants:

  • N-Relay Chess The variant invented by Mannis Charosh around 1972
  • Transparent N-Relay Long-range piece attacks are not blocked by Knights
  • Double-Edged N-Relay Knights relay to enemy pieces as well as to friendly pieces
  • N-Relay Bump Pieces can bump Knights aside.
  • N-Relay Switch The author's favorite N-Relay variant. Pieces can bump and Knights can switch.

This game uses images already included with your ZoG program. Just copy the n-relay.zrf file to your Rules directory or use it from any other location.

An N-Relay Switch Endgame

1. Knight d5xf6 King f6xd5   This is a Knight switch. The Black King is dragged into a mating net.

1... Pawn a6-a5

2. Pawn h7-g5   Not 2. Queen c5-d4 right away because of 2... King d5xe6 Knight e6-f7.

2... King d5-e5   Now the King can bump the Knight to a different square.

3. Queen b6-c5   Check

3... King e5xe6 Knight e6-e5   This is a bump. If 3... King e5-f4 4. Queen c5-e4 is mate.

4. Knight f6-e4   Checkmate


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(6 K)

N-Relay Chess

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