Zillions of Games

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the Zillions of Games Interface!

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You'll need the full version of Zillions to run these games, which you can get at the Zillions Store.

Game: Rhamses III
Created by Karl Scherer, 2002-03-30
9 variants


download 18 K

Object: Eliminate all Rhamses figures apart from one. (9 variants)
The Rhamses figures can be moved in one direction only, namely either to the North, South, East or West. Starting with East, the direction changes with every move (E,S,W,N,..), as indicated by a small arrow at the border.
The Rhamses figure jumps over any consecutive row of tokens and lands on an empty square immediately after it. All tokens that have been jumped are captured.
You win if you have eliminated all Rhamses statues apart from one.
Some of the variants have randomized setups.
Please note that the Rhamses III file contains no sound directory, the game rather refers to the sounds of the original Rhamses game. Hence you need the original Rhamses game installed to hear the sound. Alternatively, you can copy the Audio directory from the Rhamses package into the Rhamses III directory or merge all Rhamses packages into one directory structure.
More freeware as well as real puzzles and games at my homepage http://karl.kiwi.gen.nz.


Download Rhamses III now!
(18 K)

Rhamses III

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