Object: Stalemate your opponent. You play as Chris against Pat. The players alternatively drop 'Sticks' of length 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 by placing two Tokens in a row on the 3x3x3 board. Zillions will automatically randomize the coloring of these Sticks. The length of the Sticks must change by one unit during each turn: If Chris has placed a Stick of length two, then Pat has to place a Stick of length one (click the same position twice) or three. Consecutive Sticks must be adjacent. You win if your opponent runs out of moves. If you play against the computer, give it at least 3 seconds average per move. Variant 2 plays on a 4x4x4 board. Variant 3 plays on a 5x5x5 board. More freeware as well as real puzzles and games at my homepage http://karl.kiwi.gen.nz. |