The board is a cube, five spaces on a side. There is no pawn double-step, no en passant, and no castling. Win is by checkmate; stalemate is a draw. I designed this 3D chess game with the following ideas in mind:
- Preserve the concept of the Pawn being a front line of defense. In 2D, a line of Pawns stands between your pieces and the enemy. In this variant, a wall of Pawns performs this function. I didn't like set-ups in which the armies begin diagonally opposed (for example, Raumschach).
- Keep the board isometric. Use a cubic playing field.
- 5x5x5 seems to be the best size for a cubic field.
- Try to use the standard set of pieces.
- Use two Kings instead of one and require that they BOTH remain safe. This reduces drawishness and makes the endgame more like orthodox chess, meaning that the advantage of a Pawn or Rook may be enough to win. I believe that KKQ can force mate against KK.
- Use only standard pieces extended to 3D - no unusual pieces.
- Use full 3D movement. Allow the King and Queen to use the 3D diagonal.
Questions, comments, flames: tolena AT earthlink DOT net.