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Here are the installation instructions to help you add these great free games to your own copy of Zillions of Games!

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Free Games - Installation Instructions

Please note: You will need the full version of Zillions to run these games, which you can get at the Zillions Store:

  1. Unzip the .zip archive preserving paths, since the archive was built with a ready-to-use directory hierarchy.
    To do this in WinZip, make sure "Use Folder Names" is checked in the Extract dialog. To do this in pkzip use the "-d" switch, i.e. pkunzip -d

  2. After unzipping the archive, double-click the included game (zrf file) and start playing!
    Alternatively, run Zillions of Games and choose "Open Game Rules..." from the File menu. Select the new game from where you unzipped it to and start playing!

Note that you might find using add-on games more convenient if you've done a "complete" install of Zillions to your hard disk. You could then place the new game files (*.zrf) inside Zillions' /Rules directory. When you "Open Game Rules..." you'll be in the right location to open the new game without navigating. This is best done with games like Teeko, which only use existing Zillions graphics. If the game uses it's own graphics, you'll have to make sure that the graphics can still be found, either by moving the graphics underneath the /Rules folder or, if all else fails, by editing the .zrf itself!

Merging a free game with the Zillions installation (optional)

Better yet, most games can be merged neatly into the Zillions installation: put the contents of the downloaded /Images directory (which is typically a directory with the same name as the game) into Zillions' /Images directory, the contents of /Audio into Zillions' /Audio, etcetera. All *.zrf files go into Zillions' /Rules directory, even if they're not inside such a directory within the downloaded package.

To illustrate, here are partial views in Windows Explorer, the top showing the unzipped you just downloaded, while the bottom shows the Zillions installation folder:

Note you're only dropping items (a file and some folders) into the Zillions installation that carry the name of the new game! This means that you should not get a dialog asking you to replace something, unless you're updating a previously merged download. If in doubt, don't replace and cancel the dialog.
Some submissions are designed to share images and/or sound files. In that case, the names of the subfolders inside the "images" and "audio" folders are more generic and they could already be present. But, again, replacing should not be necessary, so cancel the dialog unless instructed otherwise by the author.

If you're having trouble finding where you installed Zillions, remember that the default location for installation is
C:\Program Files\Zillions Development\Zillions of Games

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