of Games 2.0 Updates
Patch Available (v.2.0.1)
version 2.0 (installed from CD) to version 2.0.1
Now (~1 MB)
- If
a position is too small to display a label, Zillions will now
display a dot. This can help you locate tiny positions.
NINUKI variants - Fixed a capturing problem.
- CHECKERS: FRISIAN CHECKERS - Orthogonal captures
weren't being allowed.
- COINS: TURNING variants - Corrected sound.
- Fixed
display problems when the board was enlarged:
- The
background outside of the board wouldn't redraw properly,
e.g. moving the moves list around slowly could leave screen
- Bitmaps
with an even-valued dimension of x pixels would be enlarged
to 2x-1 pixels rather than 2x pixels, causing problems in
games with pieces that were meant to entirely cover the background.
- Fixed some bugs affecting outside games (affected
no games in Zillions):
- Puzzles with random players were not being
correctly detected as puzzles by Zillions and so the repetition
goal was being enforced as in a 2-player game.
- Pieces recycled into the store could not
be dropped unless they also appeared within board-setup using
the "off" keyword.
- If total-piece-count was used with players
at the top level (not under an "and"/"or"/"not"),
any specified players would be ignored.
- Fixed
incorrect syntax error that occurred when "not-attacked?"
or "not-defended?" commands were used with two arguments.
- Fixed
bug in checkmate games where a king would be allowed to move
into a square threatened by an enemy piece having the ability
to capture without moving.
- Fixed
bug in checkmate games where detection of whether a king was
in check was applied inconsistently for partial moves.
- Fixed
potential problems that might occur if "kill-positions"
is used on a position in a zone.
- Fixed
bugs with "Highlight Movable" or "Highlight Attacks":
- Highlighting
was not being updated after a partial move.
- Avoids
unnecessary flickering of the highlighting while loading in
a saved game.
- Fixed
the popup help for "Highlight Movable" and "Highlight
Attacks" in the Board Options dialog.
- Fixed problems with the Recent Games menu:
- Fixed
problems with the menu and the titlebar after an attempt to
open a ZRF with a syntax error.
- Allows
user ZRFs ending in "Select.zrf" to appear in the
- Fixed
bug where the wrong side could be reported as the winner when
loading a saved game.
- Fixed bug where "Move-types" in the
statistics window was always reported as 0.
- Fixed
bug where change-sound wasn't always played in some situations,
such as promotions.
- The
"Win/Loss in x" number displayed in the search bar is
now more accurate for repetition goals.
- Truncates
items in popup menus for choosing moves
if they are long (to be more compatible
with older systems, which might refuse to display such menus.)
- Miscellaneous
improvements to the Language Reference